The next few posts are a journal of a missions trip Jason, Micah and I had the privilege to go on in Zagreb, Croatia. I want to be able to remember specific events, but more importantly, to clearly look back on all God has done during this trip. Since Laura and Heidi did not go on this trip with us, this first entry will contain details of our travels leading up to the missions trip.
Monday, May 31, 2021
Our trip began with driving from Boyd, Texas to Lee, Massachusetts to bring Laura, Heidi and the dogs, Winston and Walle, to stay with Jason's parents. We drove the 905 miles to New Albany, Indiana for Wednesday service at stopping halfway in Little Rock, Arkansas at a Holiday Inn. Two days prior this trip on Saturday, Jason spent the day getting our trailer ready for him and I to sleep in. He put a double bed in it, a shower, and a sink. This trailer is normally used for shed building, so I was amazed how he was able to convert it almost effortlessly. The truth was, he had been thinking about it for some time and had the practice from his travel time last fall. Monday in Arkansas, Micah, Winston and Walle got to be the first to test it out when we stayed at the hotel. At the church in Indiana, the kids slept Tuesday and Wednesday night in what will be the pastors office in tents and sleeping bags while Jason and I slept in the trailer.
Tuesday evening, we arrived at the church and went to a BBQ place with the pastor and his family for dinner. The oldest son who had gone on a missions trip to Hungary six years ago with us was there. He was home for the summer from college and working with his dad at the church. The four younger children sat at a table with Laura and Heidi.
Wednesday, Jason took Heidi to go to the laundromat while he worked on his evening message. Micah, Laura and I spent the morning vacuuming and mopping the church. When Jason returned, we went to lunch with the pastor and his son at Penn Station. We then parted ways to get some Walmart shopping done before evening service.
Jason preached the Wednesday evening service from Luke 16:27-17:10 "Ingredients for being a better Christian" He said that service to the King can not happen without forgiveness, faithfulness, thankfulness and obedience to the commands that have been given to us by Christ.
After service, we went to Graters with the pastors family and a missionary family to Iceland. The missionary's wife was home with the younger two children as the baby was sick with pneumonia. The missionary came with his older three children. It was a wonderful time of fellowship for the three families!
Thursday, we drove 330 miles to spend the night at a friend's in Northern Ohio. They had a baby girl a year ago, so it was good to finally be able to meet her. We had wonderful meal of enchiladas before presenting the baby with her birthday gifts of an interactive toy purse and two t-shirts: one said "I'm the reason we're late" and the other said "I don't do quiet". She is super busy! After dinner, I was trying to play with her on the floor while drinking a cup of coffee. Trying to keep it away from her, she still managed to be faster than me and ended up knocking it over onto the carpet.
Friday, after a most delicious breakfast casserole, we drove the 591 miles to Jason's parents house in Lee, Massachusetts. We parked the trailer in the church parking lot which is located next to the house while the three kids slept in the two spare rooms.
Saturday was spent preparing for our trip. We had to go to Home Depot to get boxes to pack up items the for the missionaries they asked us to bring. We packed two for them and one for us filled with cereal for quick and easy breakfasts.
Sunday, we went to New York for both services. The pastor, Pastor Jeff, had a ticket to also go to Zagreb on the missions trip.
Monday, the day before our travels to Croatia began, Jason, Micah and I went to CVS in Torrington, CT for our Covid test. I was super nervous about the test. I had heard how far up they have to poke the swab and was dreading it. I was so relieved when, during our hour long drive there, the testing center sent a message to watch a video. It showed that the test was self done. Praise the Lord! While waiting for the test results, we found a laundromat to wash clothes and get them ready to pack. We also went shopping for rain gear. The Zagreb weather report predicted rain off and on all week. About an hour after the test, the results came back negative. We were ready for traveling the following day!
The van did a great job hauling the trailer from Texas to Massachusetts |
Winston all ready for camping at church in Indiana |
With all the rain, dirt kept getting tracked into the church as it stuck to shoes |
Wednesday evening service in Indiana |
Sunday service in New York |
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