Romans 12:15
"Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep."
For Laura's 9th birthday, she had horseback riding lessons at a nearby town. She got the full horse care experience from grooming to feeding as well as riding.
Micah and Heidi were there as well. They got to brush, feed, and pet the horses....
But they did not get to ride them.
All too often we try to make everything "even Steven" for our children, giving them an unrealistic idea they will receive equal parts in everything they take part in always.
Come on, we've all done it as kids! "Mom, Sister got a bigger piece of cake than me! That's not fair!"
Sometimes I purposely unevenly cut a treat and then hand them out at random to my children, just to see what they will say. So far, no one has ever noticed, or chosen to care if their piece was smaller."
What cruel mother wouldn't divide things evenly between her children?!
I don't think Christ gave everyone equal shares all the time. Even the spiritual gifts mentioned are different:
Ephesians 4:7 "But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ."
Ephesians 4:11 "And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;"
Nope! There's nothing even in that list.
In fact, only one disciple was even given the label, "the disciple whom Jesus loved," and this was John.
It is so important, to learn to rejoice in the victories of others; to be excited when something great happens to someone who is, well, not ourself!
If we don't help our kids see this when they are young and give them these opportunities, it will follow them all throughout their life, this feeling of "it's not fair."
Child: "His piece is bigger than mine!"
Teenager: "Why can't I have that part in the school play? I'm better at acting than she is!"
Adult: "How come he has people getting saved and baptized week after week at his church and I can barely get a decent sized crowd in the doors of my church?"
Elderly: "I've worked hard all my life and I've never been able to buy half the stuff he has."
These attitudes do nothing but rob us of our joy.
Avoiding these attitudes are why my husband and I give the kids opportunities have joy in the victories of others.
Let us help our children to have "rejoice with those that rejoice" attitudes while they are young.