Friday, September 16, 2022

Micah Begins Bible College

But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; 2 Timothy 3:14 

On August 22, our family packed up our home in Texas and drove 1,061 miles to bring Micah to Masters Baptist College in Fargo, ND to begin his Freshman year. We were pulling a trailer which Jason converted into our new deputation home, so we did not arrive in Fargo until Saturday, August 27. 
On arriving in Fargo, we were able to help Micah move in and met one of his room mates. 

Sunday service was hard for this mama. We were to leave the following day to start heading to Indiana. I did not want to have to say goodbye to my firstborn! But the Lord granted me a special blessing! A church member started to talk to Jason and found out he knew hw to do construction. He asked us to stay in Fargo longer to help with siding his house. I was granted an extra 10 days in Fargo close to my son! 

These above photo was taken in April 2015.
We recreated the photo in front of the same water fountain.

Family photo following Sunday morning service! 

Working on siding with a lift!

Getting to spend time in Fargo with Micah!

We met Micah's second room mate after Wednesday service. The church had a gathering where church members could introduce themselves to the students.

God is so good to us! I can hardly explain how excited I was to spend the extra time with Micah before heading to Indiana as well as be a blessing to a family needing help with siding their house! We did not finish the siding- the house was bigger than our time allowed - but we were happy to help with what time there was. 

Chatting With People to Bring Them To Jesus

    Today I graduated from the Groundwire Training Academy, a ministry where people can chat with someone who will care about them and liste...