Friday, August 7, 2020

A World We Never Touch

    Today, my husband and I ran into the store to grab a few items for dinner. I noticed one lady on a few occasions making her way speedily down the one-way isles with her mask and disposable gloves on. She took no notice of the people around her other than to avoid them as though she had an actual 6-foot pole in her hands. We managed to make it to the self check out lane the same time she did. When the man directly behind her ventured too close, she extended her hand to warn him not to proceed any further. When the associate in charge of the self-checkout station passed by her, she quickly moved to the other side of her shopping cart to maintain her distance.  She looked increasingly agitated whenever someone did not observe proper social distancing     It really is sad that Covid 19 has produced people fearful of each other. While watching that one paranoid lady in the store, I could not but help thinking of that song that says, "How can we reach a world we never touch? How can we show them Christ if we never show them love? Just to say we care will never be enough. How can we reach a world we never touch?" This song, of course, is talking about missions. It refers to getting wrapped up in our comfort zones, serving in our local church, but not allowing our reach to extend past that. The incident in the store made me think literally our world has become one we "never touch". If you don't maintain social distancing, you do not care about other people. You are being selfish and unsafe if you don't wear your mask. Keep glass barriers between yourself and the people you serve for safety's sake.Literally, a world we never touch.    Praise the Lord, when Christ walked among men that He did not social distance. He wrapped children in loving arms, touched blind eyes, and healed those who. likewise, reached for Him as the woman who was sick for twelve years had. No 6-foot rule. No masks. No social distancing.    We have heard this verse quoted often since March when the pandemic hit: 2 Timothy 1:7 "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." Instead of fearing our fellow men, we need to reach out to them, not physically, but a kind word does go a long way. Everyone is so fearful of catching this virus that kindness has gone out the window. This is no way to live.     After that woman finally secured her lone spot at the self-checkout, my husband caught the eye of another customer making his purchase. He tugged his mask down, and said: "I just wanted you to see I am smiling at you."
    The man's face lit up as he too tugged his mask down and reciprocated the gesture with his own big grin. 
    Such a simple exchange, but my husband is a wise man (Mann). He knows that you can't reach a world you never touch.

Chatting With People to Bring Them To Jesus

    Today I graduated from the Groundwire Training Academy, a ministry where people can chat with someone who will care about them and liste...