Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Cast Your Care

1 Peter 5:7
Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. 

At this time, the whole world is fighting against a virus that has left no one unaffected by it. Schools are closed down and any nonessential businesses. Grocery stores, pharmacies and doctors' offices remain open. Everyone is asked to stay at home as much as possible. 

I think we will be able to look back on this time similar to how we look back on 9-11. "Where were you during the coronavirus of 2020?" It will be a story to tell the grandchildren when they learn about it in history class for sure! But hopefully, we will be able to tell our grandchildren that we put our trust in the Lord when fear and panic permeated the news and social media. Coronavirus did not take Him by surprise. What good does fearing and fretting do anyway? 

Let's resolve to cast our cares on Him for He does care for us!

This picture was posted today (3/31/20) showing the number of people with the virus in Hungary.
40 have recovered and 20 have died from the virus so far.

Chatting With People to Bring Them To Jesus

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