Friday, December 27, 2019


     "Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation." Isaiah 12:3 
Many Christmas decorations consist of one small three letter word, and that word is JOY. Reading this verse in Isaiah, I could not help but think of the passage of the woman at the well in John 4 and the joy she found in salvation when she learned that Jesus said"whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst;" in verse 14. In her excitement to tell others "many of the Samaritans of the city believed on  him" (John 4:39). May we show such joy in our salvation that others too might believe on Him!

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Is There Not A Cause?

The principal of the Christian school I graduated from asked me to write a testimony that he could share with the current students in chapel about how the Lord worked in my life after graduating to the mission field of Hungary. Since my being in Hungary really came down to how the Lord worked in my husband's life and my call was to follow my husband wherever the Lord led him, I decided to share this specific account that, perhaps, students could relate to:

I was the ridiculously shy girl at school when I attended Dublin Christian Academy (DCA) during my junior and senior years of high school. I had a fear of public speaking. I never even raised my hand in class to answer a question, because that would require speaking over a room full of people. Even Mr. Katka’s Speech classes couldn’t cure me of the dread I felt when my voice was heard above all others. During my senior year of Speech class, my class was in charge of directing the 6th-grade class in the play The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. The night of the performance, Mr. Katka asked us three senior class directors to speak to the young cast by means of a pep talk before they preformed their diligently practiced play. The other two directors had long, beautifully delivered speeches that would have encouraged the severest stage frightened child. I, on the other hand, was the last to speak just before they went on stage. I said something along the line of “Uh, you all will do great.” Wow, way to encourage them, I chided myself. The students performed wonderfully so my pathetic pep talk did them no harm, and as it was basically my last assignment in speech class, I assumed my career in public speaking was over.

I managed to make it all the way to 2014 without having to hear my voice projected above a crowd of peers. Just half a year prior to this, my husband had graduated from Bible College and surrendered to the mission field of Hungary after our pastor had taken him on a Missions trip. I did not become automatically aware of what this could mean for me as we started the transition from jobs and school of our three children to full-time deputation, but slowly the realization of just how much I would have to be in the spotlight dawned on me as we visited new churches in seeking prayer and financial support for our ministry. For the most part, I merely stood by my husband’s side at our display table and shook hands with the church members. He did most of the speaking in front of the church as he presented our burden for the people of Hungary and preached.

And then it happened...

The first time I was asked to speak to a group of ladies during a missions conference, the familiar butterflies that the ridiculously shy girl in school suffered came fluttering back. I had taught children before, but this was different. What could I possibly have to share with these ladies that they would even want to hear?? As I was preparing what to say, I was reminded of Moses as God spoke to him at the burning bush. The Lord had a job for Moses, yet all he could say were all his reasons for not going. “Who am I?” “What should I say?” “What if they don’t believe me or listen to me?” “I am slow of speech.” “Send someone else.” Moses who led the children of Israel out of Egypt, Moses who was used mightily of God, Moses who met with God on Mount Sinai, was afraid of public speaking! Excuses didn’t deter God from using Moses, so I resolved to not use them myself. I prayed fervently about what to say, and once I had a script, I rehearsed it over and over again. I delivered my speech and sat down, not feeling I had done a great job but relieved it was over. The ladies were kind and thanked me, but I knew it was probably not the last time I would have to speak in front of a crowd. Eventually, it got easier and easier. My dread of speaking in public is still there, but I find that if I pray about what the Lord would have me to say, He always gives me the words needed that the audience needs to hear.

I was asked to share with current DCA students how the Lord led me after graduation from DCA to the mission field. When I was a student at DCA, being a missionary was never even an idea I had considered. But the Lord lit up my path just enough for me to see the next step I was to take. I had no idea what the end result would be, but I am so thankful He was always faithful to guide my next step. Part of that was how He led me to marry my husband, Jason. The Lord led Jason to take a Missions trip to Hungary with our Pastor. It was not until Jason was in the country that he saw the great need for the Gospel to be preached in Hungary. Whenever asked about how the Lord led him to Hungary, Jason refers to the story of David in 1 Samuel 17. David did not know about the need of the people (the Philistines defying the armies of the living God v. 26 ) until he saw with his own two eyes the great need. “Is there not a cause?” David declared in verse 29. When Jason saw the need for Gospel preaching churches in Hungary, it was then that he surrendered to go himself. I would encourage all the students to take at least one Missions trip to see the need for the Gospel to be taken to other parts of the world, for as the prophet, Jeremiah, declared, “mine eye affecteth mine heart” (Lamentations 3:51). 

Though I never would have dreamed I’d end up living in Hungary when I was a DCA student, I am thankful for the Lord’s guiding my family here and for the opportunity we've had to serve Him here.
After all, among Jesus’s last words on earth before ascending to Heaven were “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” 

After all, is there not a cause?

DCA class of 2001 
(I'm the first girl on the right in the middle row.)

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Little Things

The other day, I planned a little outing with my three children. I made a list of 15 items to find and take pictures of in or around the town square where we live. My two older children made up one team, and the youngest child and I made up the second team. We had a blast trying to be the first team to take all 15 pictures before the other team. Later on, when we got home, we showed our photos to Dad and he became the judge of the best photos!

The photo above was taken after the scavenger hunt. I had packed a simple picnic lunch and we sat down by the Gyöngyös Stream to enjoy some refreshments and recap our adventures during the scavenger hunt. Amidst cookies and conversation, the children kept saying how much they enjoyed our adventures in town. It wasn't anything huge, yet I think it's the little things such as a scavenger hunt that stick with us into our adult years when we look back on our childhood. I want to strive to make more such memories with my youngsters in the few short years I have left with them.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Ye are the light of the world

     In my email every morning, I receive an email that gives me a new Hungarian word to learn every day. I am given three possible English meanings for the Hungarian word given and then I give it my best guess before scrolling down to see the correct translation. Today the word was világos, meaning bright, but as I browsed over the three possible meanings, I was surprised to see how beautifully all three of them went together even though the author probably didn't see the connection him or herself. But as I read the words, a Bible passage came to mind:

     "14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. 15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. 16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." Matthew 5:14-16

     In the Hungarian Bible, "világosság" is the word used for light. So the connection between these three words was perfect! I pray that my (a.) candle will be (b.) bright in the (c.) world!

Friday, September 13, 2019

Quicken Me

     As I was reading Psalm 119 this morning, one particular word kept jumping off the page at me. It was the word "quicken". After a word search, I found that "quicken" appeared 9 times within these 176 verses. The word itself means to "revive" or to "make alive". So what does the Psalmist request be quickened?

Quicken thou me according to thy word
(Psalm 119:25, 107, and 154)
Sometimes we can read the words of the Bible almost mechanically without giving thought to what we are reading. May our Bible reading be preceded with a prayer to quicken our hearts to receive the Word of God.
I am reading a book called "I Dared to Call Him Father" by a former Muslim who accepted Christ as her Saviour, Bilquis Sheikh. She made his statement about her Bible reading: "Something happened to me as I went through the book; instead of reading the Bible, I found myself living it. It was as if I stepped through its pages into that ancient world of Palestine when Jesus Christ walked the stony roads of Galilee. I watched as He preached and taught, as He lived out His message in everyday situations, as He displayed the power of the Spirit and finally s He went to the cross and passed victoriously through the experience of death." May our hearts be quickened according to His Word!

Quicken thou me in thy way
(Psalm 119:37)
He also quickens us to stay on a godly path. When we are sensitive to His leading, the Holy Spirit can remind us before a lie is about to pass our lips or from doing something that is not pleasing to Him so that we can continue in fellowship with Him, unimpeded by sin. May we be quickened in His way.

Quicken me in thy righteousness
(Psalm 119:40)
Verse 40 says I have longed after thy precepts: quicken me in thy righteousness. A precepts is basically an authoritative rule for action. May He quicken us to follow His righteous law.

Quicken me after thy lovingkindness
(Psalm 119:88 and 159)
The Lord also quickens us with His tender mercy. Verse 88 says this is so as to keep the testimony of thy mouth. We just can't help but speak of what the Lord has done for us! May we be quickened to His lovingkindness.

Quicken me according to the judgment
(Psalm 119:149 and 156)
This seems to go hand in hand with lovingkindness, such as is seen in verse 149. The Psalmist begins with "Hear my voice". The Lord in His love listens to His children. May our hearts be quickened to receive His answer.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Wings as Eagles

The Turul Statue can be found in Tatabánya, HU

Isa 40:30 — Isa 40:31
Even the youths shall faint and be weary,
and the young men shall utterly fall: 
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings as eagles;
they shall run, and not be weary;
and they shall walk, and not faint.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

English Camp

 The family had the privilege to again be a part of the English Camp at Bible Baptist Church in Szolnok, Hungary. The kids made a lot of new friends this week and I ended up having some good conversations with some of the children as they patiently strove to teach me some Hungarian. A few of the children had not been to the church or camps before, so I pray they continue to attend. I heard a few were expressing an interest in coming to church regularly, but the parents are too busy on Sundays. I pray these families will see their need of a personal relationship with Christ and come to a saving knowledge of Him. They received a clear gospel presentation, but as of yet, and I pray they would not let it stop at their ears, but reach their heart.
Below are a few pictures of us from the week.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Market in Szombathely

In the town my family has just moved to, Szombathely, there is a market that has stands of fresh breads, meats, eggs, fruits and vegetables as well stands where vendors can bring their flowers, kitchen appliances and clothes and other items.
Here are some of the pictures I took of our visit to the market. The two last pictures are of Jason buying some flowers at the flower stand to plant in our garden at home. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

A Chapter Closes and a New One Begins

This past week was quite the busy one as it was the last week of classes at BBTI followed by graduation on Saturday. Below are pictures from the week. The first two are of the Wednesday night service at Calvary Baptist Church in Bowie, TX where we have been attending. The girls were in the Wise Guys program and got trophies for memorizing 26 verses!
 The next pictures are from Saturday graduation which was held at Bible Baptist Church n Bowie. This is the sponsoring church of BBTI.
The last pictures are again at Calvary as we said goodbye to our church friends we made during the year. We will certainly miss all our friends! 

Friday, April 26, 2019

Resurrection Sunday

Mar 16:5 — Mar 16:6
And entering into the sepulchre, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, clothed in a long white garment; and they were affrighted. And he saith unto them, Be not affrighted: Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth, which was crucified: he is risen; he is not here: behold the place where they laid him.

We serve a risen Saviour! 
Praise the Lord! 

Easter Sunday this year, my family was invited the Mclendon home, members at Calvary Baptist Church in Bowie, TX, the town where we have been taking the advanced missionary training classes at. Mrs Maridan Mclendon bought the children new outfits for Easter (picture shown above) and invited us to lunch after morning service. This is wonderful to get an invitation on a holiday for a missionary family who has no family in the area to spend the holidays with. People like the Mclendon's are rare, but when I do come across these kind of people, they leave a lasting impression on me, as well as on anyone they meet, for that matter. You never ever forget them, because of the impact they had on your life while with them, no matter how temporarily. 
Thank you, Lord  for bring special people like the Mclendon's into our lives! 

Monday, March 18, 2019

You may be a missionary on deputation if:

While on deputation, I had the opportunity to share this list with a group of ladies during a missions conference. I thought I would share it here. Without further ado, here is my list,

You may be a missionary on deputation if:
  1. When asked “Where are you from?” your children stumble over how to answer. “Well, I was born in Massachusetts, but my home church is in Ohio, but we live in Texas now and then we will go live in Hungary in this summer…”
  2. You have not only homeschooled your children, but have also van schooled, hotel schooled, coffee shop schooled, and library schooled them.
  3. You consider a city 200 miles away to be “very close”.
  4. You consider a 3-hour car ride to church to be “not too far”.
  5. You speak with authority on the subject of airline travel.
  6. You have friends in 20 different countries;  you sort your friends by continent.
  7. You tell a story about your travels and use the phrase “and then we went to” at least five times during the story.
  8. You go to a church and find your family picture on the bulletin board.
  9. You go on Saturday morning visitation and, in the middle of talking with someone, forget what church you are on visitation with. (Could I please see that tract I just handed you?)
  10. You carry a coffee maker in the van. (and sometimes even a grill!)
  11. You can’t remember what state you got your last oil change in.
  12. (for the men) Your son could get up and finish your message because he has heard it so often.
  13. You don’t worry too much about packing enough clothes for travel: Goodwill has become like a closet for you.
  14. You have slept in five different beds during the course of a week.
  15. Your Sunday afternoon nap has been in the car, on the couch at the home of a pastor, or even by the Ohio River under a bridge.
  16. On any given day, your three meals may have been in a hotel in one state, a fast food place in another, and at a church dinner in another state.
  17. You go to put a tract on the table at a restaurant in OH and realize the tract is from a church you visited in Texas last week.
  18. You reach for your prayer card in your Bible to hand to someone and pull out 10 different cards from 10 different missionaries you recently have met. None of the cards are your own.
  19. You have no special musical abilities but have sung in countless churches all across America.
  20. You get very…. Very tired of talking about yourself. 
And there you have it. Maybe now someone here will be inspired to go on deputation…. Either that or run away from it. One or the other.

Want to see more from our deputation adventures? Check out these Vimeo links:

First year:

Second year:

Saturday, February 2, 2019

What's in a Name?

Proverbs 22:1 "A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches,
and loving favour rather than silver and gold."

When trying what to choose names for our three children, I remember pouring over baby name books that I picked up from the local library. I can recall searching for Bible names that were not already overused. While there were more possibilities for boys names, the girl's names were rather scarce. I already knew my fair share of "Mary's" and "Sarah's". 
Yet I had an even stronger desire to choose names that had meaning; names that stood for good Christian qualities. I found one baby book listed four items per name: origin, meaning, spiritual connotation, and a verse. While the girls did not get Bible names for their first names, they did for their middle names. (I loved Hannah, but "Hannah Mann" was not going to happen!)

What I love about the names is their meaning. I pray my son will, indeed, be "Like God" and "Courageous" as the meaning of Micah Andrew stands for.  And how marvelous to be "Crowned with Honor" as the name Laura Elizabeth reveals. And my "Honored" little "Patient" Heidi Grace. (She sure is patient with those siblings of hers!)
 But even more so, I pray they live lives that will honor our family name so they too can pass a good name onto their children.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Isaiah 40:8

Isaiah 40:8 "The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever."

My 13 year old daughter made this verse picture. I think she did a great job and just had to show it off!

Chatting With People to Bring Them To Jesus

    Today I graduated from the Groundwire Training Academy, a ministry where people can chat with someone who will care about them and liste...