Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Success Found in Obedience

The 2016 Reaching Hungary team flew over June 20- July 1 to pass out John & Romans provided by Bearing Precious Seed, a ministry of First Baptist Church in Milford, OH. Our team, consisting of two boys from Indiana and three individuals from Florida, passed out somewhere around 6,000 John & Romans into the hands and into the mailboxes of people in both Debrecen and Budapest. Much time by those who could not walk through the town was spent helping the cause by placing labels bearing the church address on these Bibles. Personal invitations to the church services were placed inside the front cover as well. The weather was extremely hot, the miles long, and the backpacks weighed down with God's precious Word were heavy, but thousands of lost souls were on the line so onward we pressed.

In the weeks following the trip, the churches have not seen a rush of new converts flooding the building, desiring to learn more about the Saviour who died for them. Even the English speaking waiter who we met at one restaurant expressing an interest to learn more, has yet to come to church as he promised. Only one man has come as a result of receiving a John & Romans in his mailbox. That's it. 6,000 J&R. One man. 

Should we throw our hands up in the air and say, "Lord, how come we the church is not full with people wanting to get saved?" We tried so hard! We really really tried! "

In the book of Isaiah chapter 6, we see the commissioning of Isaiah and his willingness to answer the call to serve. In verse 8, we see the call and the surrender.
But ... 
After the call , "Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" 
After the surrender, "Then said I,  Here am I; send me."
Comes to the people who reject the message. It says in Isaiah 6:9, "And he said, Go, and tell this people, Hear ye indeed, but not understand not; and see ye indeed, but perceive not. "

The people heard the message but chose to reject it. 
So what do we do? 
Well, we keep on keeping on. That's what we do. 
Because ... 
Success is not in the numbers. Success is in the obedience.  
We are not called to a product but to a process. 

And we praise the Lord for the one that did come to church, because Christ died for even him!

Chatting With People to Bring Them To Jesus

    Today I graduated from the Groundwire Training Academy, a ministry where people can chat with someone who will care about them and liste...