It used to be that whenever I thought of things that brought me pleasure, images of being snuggled up all warm and cozy with a cup of coffee indoors as the snow falls outside came to mind. Or even visions of reading a favorite book while enjoying Lindt chocolate!
That is, until I took the time to really think about this verse:
"Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created." Revelation 4:11
I looked up the Webster's definition for the word pleasure:
pleasure- noun; a source of delight or joy
Wow! God created all things for His pleasure. For His delight. For His joy.
I suddenly felt the need to come up with a different word to describe my love for Lindt chocolate.
Maybe I just am partial to chocolate instead.
The word "pleasure" appears 60 times in the Bible, and most of the time, it is not used in a positive sentence. But this reference in Revelation tells us His creation was for His pleasure. And this includes you. This includes me. He didn't have to create us at all. But He did. And it was for His pleasure.
How pleasurable is that!