Friday, December 30, 2016

Half a Year in Hungary

The trees are getting packed up and lights being taken down. The holidays are over and a new year has commenced. I trust you all had a great Christmas and Happy New Year with family and friends. I pray 2017 will be a great year and many souls come to know Christ as Saviour!
I put together a short video that gives a small glimpse of some of the highlights of our first half year in Hungary. If you are interested in a missions trip, my family would love to have a visit from you this year!

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

First Thanksgiving in Hungary

Our first Thanksgiving in Hungary was very enjoyable! To start with, the Sunday before was spent with the church in Szolnok where they had their own Thanksgiving celebration.

    Even though Hungary does not have a specific day of thanksgiving, the Christians in Szolnok had much they wished to thank God for. They even created crafts for table decor with Bible verses and the phrase "Adj hálát" written by on them, which translates to "Give thanks". 

Offering of first fruits 

   The day before Thanksgiving, our family enjoyed putting up the Christmas tree. And I know you're thinking "Couldn't you at least wait until after Thanksgiving?" (Hahaha, no!) 

Thanksgiving day was a great turkey dinner which we enjoyed at home before going to spend the weekend in Szolnok to enjoy a meal with friends. It was a nice time as we reflected on all God's blessings to us this year. 
Happy Thanksgiving! 

Monday, October 31, 2016

Hungarian Holidays - All Saints Day and All Souls Day

The stores will be closed tomorrow and children out of school. Traffic sharply increases around the cemeteries (temető) in Hungary. This is because the first two days of November are All Saints' Day (or All Hollows Day) and All Souls' Day, which are both Catholic holidays. I have read a few articles on what exactly happens these two days. I'm still not sure I understand the differences between the days; they seem to be the same. However, here is a glimpse of what these two days are all about :

November 1, All Saints’ Day (a mindenszentek napja) 
- This is day to commemorate souls (lelkek). 
- According to Hungarian folklore the dead will return to their homes on this day. For this reason many households set a place at the table and place bread, salt, and water out in anticipation of the returning dead. Candles are placed in the window to guide the souls back home.

November 2, All Souls' Day (halottak napja) 
- This is the day to commemorate those souls who haven't received salvation and are currently in purgatory (purgatórium).

Traditions of both days :
- On the first two days of November, all families in Hungary visit cemeteries. They clean the graves of their dead relatives and decorate them with bouquets, wreaths and candles, praying for the salvation of their family members’ souls. 
- The tradition is to light candles for deceased relatives. People light one candle for each person that is no longer with them. According to Catholic tradition, this is to give warmth to errant souls and help them find their graves and prevent them from disturbing living people. 
- The chrysanthemum is the flower of the dead since it blooms in late October and early November. This flower is seen all over cemeteries. 
- Church bells all over the country also continuously clang for 1-2 hours, because souls in purgatory are thought to be calmed by tolling.

It was saddening for me to read about these two days in Hungary. The devil has deceived the people into believing these lies about their deceased loved ones. They believe they can pray their dead loved ones into salvation. How terribly sad! So long as a person is alive, he has second, third, fourth, fifth, etc chances to accept Christ and be saved (Romans 10:13). Once saved, always saved (John 10:28). However, once a person dies, there are no more chances. It is so important for us, our friends and loved ones to accept Christ today while there is still a chance, because there will be no praying anyone out of "purgatory" on November 1st, 2nd, or on any day of the year for that matter.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Prices of Products

Prices in Hungary can be very interesting to learn. Right now the exchange is 1 dollar equals 272 Hungarian Forint. And as far as prices go, some items cost considerably more than in the states, while others are considerably less. One example of considerably more in cost is fuel prices. In the states, prices are hovering somewhere around the $2.00 mark, prices for a gallon of gas in Hungary is more around the $5.00 mark. 
In the grocery store, there are some items that we would readily stock up on for our pantry back in the states that now we steer clear of for not being able to justify the added expense. One of these such items is canned vegetables. They are no longer the 60 cents we used to pay. A small 340g can is $1.50, and a 670g an is $2.27. I think I'll stick to fresh vegetables. More healthful anyway :)

Here is another one.  Cans of tuna. I would readily stock up on this normally cheap item but now can't bring myself to pay $2.57 for one can.

 And finally, maple syrup. Aunt Jemima is not in abundance here either so homemade syrup of brown sugar and water will be topping our pancakes. It costs 2,499 HUF which is around $9.17. Yikes!

There is good new though! Foods like eggs, bread and fresh vegetables are less in cost than we used to pay. So while some foods that we would consider convenience foods are more, at least the fresh foods are more affordable and more healthful anyway.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

The Gift of God

Giving gifts to others brings joy to the giver, more so than being the one on the receiving end. So naturally, it hurts when a gift is refused. Such has happened to my husband and I, and it does not feel nice to have a gift refused, especially knowing it was much needed by the recipient and would have benefited them greatly.
God has given a gift to all. 
Not all will receive this gift.
It's kind of like the old saying, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink." You can give a gift, but it's up to the recipient to receive it.
God offers us the gift of eternal life. Romans 6:23 says, "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
Romans 5 talks about how death came to all men through the sin of one man (Adam), but the gift of eternal life comes from Christ and Christ alone. "For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous." Romans 5:19
The verses go on to say these great words that offer hope to all regarding our sin problem: "Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound: "That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 5:20-21
So the gift is offered to all:
"For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Romans 10:13
But not all will receive:
"But they have not all obeyed the gospel..." Romans 10:16
I can picture Christ with extended arms, inviting the unsaved to receive the gift of eternal life and instead of receiving, they reject Him. If we can be saddened over gifts bestowed and rejected, how much greater His sadness must be to be turned down the greatest gift ever!
I pray all who read this blog post know Christ as their Saviour already. If you don't please don't reject His gift another day. Receive Him and eternal life.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Success Found in Obedience

The 2016 Reaching Hungary team flew over June 20- July 1 to pass out John & Romans provided by Bearing Precious Seed, a ministry of First Baptist Church in Milford, OH. Our team, consisting of two boys from Indiana and three individuals from Florida, passed out somewhere around 6,000 John & Romans into the hands and into the mailboxes of people in both Debrecen and Budapest. Much time by those who could not walk through the town was spent helping the cause by placing labels bearing the church address on these Bibles. Personal invitations to the church services were placed inside the front cover as well. The weather was extremely hot, the miles long, and the backpacks weighed down with God's precious Word were heavy, but thousands of lost souls were on the line so onward we pressed.

In the weeks following the trip, the churches have not seen a rush of new converts flooding the building, desiring to learn more about the Saviour who died for them. Even the English speaking waiter who we met at one restaurant expressing an interest to learn more, has yet to come to church as he promised. Only one man has come as a result of receiving a John & Romans in his mailbox. That's it. 6,000 J&R. One man. 

Should we throw our hands up in the air and say, "Lord, how come we the church is not full with people wanting to get saved?" We tried so hard! We really really tried! "

In the book of Isaiah chapter 6, we see the commissioning of Isaiah and his willingness to answer the call to serve. In verse 8, we see the call and the surrender.
But ... 
After the call , "Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" 
After the surrender, "Then said I,  Here am I; send me."
Comes to the people who reject the message. It says in Isaiah 6:9, "And he said, Go, and tell this people, Hear ye indeed, but not understand not; and see ye indeed, but perceive not. "

The people heard the message but chose to reject it. 
So what do we do? 
Well, we keep on keeping on. That's what we do. 
Because ... 
Success is not in the numbers. Success is in the obedience.  
We are not called to a product but to a process. 

And we praise the Lord for the one that did come to church, because Christ died for even him!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Heart Language

June 8, 2016 was the day my family arrived in Hungary. Prior to arriving, I spent my free moments trying to memorize some of the language, so upon arrival, I would at least know how to greet people, tell them “please”, “thank you” and other polite phrases. I became quite comfortable with the greeting, “Jó napot kivánok,” and “Viszontlátásra,” when parting ways. I had “Tessék,” down while placing John and Romans Bibles into the hands of the people our second week when the Reaching Hungary team showed up. During the bilingual church services, I listened carefully to the Hungarian words followed by the English translation, trying to recognize at least one Hungarian word per sentence before the English translation was revealed to me. I could quickly recognize God, “Isten”, and family, “csalad” in the morning announcements. During the song service, I opened up the Hungarian hymnal and followed along, doing my best to mimic the Hungarian singers around me in their pronunciation of the words. I patted myself on the shoulder at my efforts to learning the language. 

Then we sat in an English service translated into Hungarian.

One verse of the song “Rock of Ages Cleft for Me,” was sung in English.

And I started bawling like that was the first time I had heard the song.

Then I realized, the language the Lord speaks to me in is English. If He pricks at my heart to do something, He says to me of the lady in the store, “Go give her a tract,” and not “Menj, adj neki egy traktátust.” 

I realized how these words do not speak to my heart:
Óh, csodás kegy, amely engem
Megmentett, mint roncsot!
Egykor én el voltam veszve
S vak is, de már látok.

The way these words do:
Amazing grace! How sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

And then I realized if I understand best in my first language, English, how much more important is it to learn Hungarian so I can share Christ with the Hungarians in their first language, because that is the language that speaks to their hearts.

So I will spend my days studying Hungarian but must not forget to also spend time with the Lord in the language that He reaches my own heart with.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Thirsting For God

"As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God." 
Psalm 42:1

I know what it's like to be thirsty. I mean really thirsty.
     In 2000, I started to drink water constantly but never seemed to find relieve for the thirst that nagged at me. I can recall sitting in Bible class just after Christmas break. The classroom was across in another building and required a trek through the snow-covered path to reach it. As I sat listening to my teacher, I remember watching snow drip off a classmates boots, longing for a drop of that water. 
Yeah, it was that bad.
A month later, I discovered I had diabetes. As soon as I had injected insulin running through my body, the thirst dissipated and I finally had relief from it.
I can picture the deer in the verse, thirsty and longing for it to be quenched. In the same way are we to long for God, like we just can't live without Him. How I long to have such a deep desire for him, and only can this happen by talking to Him in prayer and reading what He has to say through His Word.

Monday, April 25, 2016

So Much the More

Often the children and I get asked to sing in churches during the services, and this song is one we frequently choose. It's called "So Much the More" and it gives churches a charge to stand faithful to the end.

So  much  the  more  as  you  see  the  day  approaching.
So  much  the  more  when  His  coming  is  at  hand. 
We need  the  church,  and  the  saints,  and  the  worship  of  the  Lord 
To  stand  faithful  to  the  end,  so  much  the  more. 

There's  a  famine  in  the  land,  not  for  food  or  for  water, 
But  for  the  hearing  of  the  precious  Word  of  God. 
And  this  world  can't  understand  why  we  build  our  lives  around  it. 
As  for  me  and  my  house:  We'll  serve  the  LORD! 

So  much  the  more  as  you  see  the  day  approaching. 
So  much  the  more  when  His  coming  is  at  hand. 
We need  the  church,  and  the  saints,  and  the  worship  of  the  Lord 
To  stand  faithful  to  the  end,  so  much  the  more.

The title comes from Hebrews 10:25 "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."

The section about famine in the land comes from Amos 8:11: "Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord:" Let us ever have a hunger and a thirst for God's  precious Word!

The charge continues with this well-known phrase from Joshua 24:15. "And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

See the video of the kids and I singing it here:

Friday, April 1, 2016

The Fool Hath Said in his Heart

As a child, I can very well recall looking forward to April first when it was acceptable to pull jokes on family and friends. 
You know what I'm talking about:
"Hey, Mom, your shoe is untied." My mom would proceed to look at her shoes. "Ha! April Fools!"
"Hey, Sis, someone went into your room and took your favorite doll!" My sister would run to her room to find her doll exactly where she left it. "Gotcha! April Fools!" 
"Hey, Dad..." Oh, never mind. Smart kids don't pull April Fools jokes on Dad.

Now, I am mature and have not pulled a single April Fools joke on anyone in years. 

Webster's dictionary defines a fool as a person who lacks good sense or judgement.

The Bible defines a fool a bit differently:
"The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. " Psalm 14:1

I've heard it said a time or two that believing in God is for people who are weak and use God as a crutch. Well, the Bible says it is foolish to believe there is no God. I often wonder how these people go through life seeing the beauty of creation all around them and not believe in the God that created it all.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Resurrection Sunday!

Happy Resurrection Sunday to all! He is Risen! 
"O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." 1 Corinthians 15:55-57

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

For Thy Pleasure

It used to be that whenever I thought of things that brought me pleasure, images of being snuggled up all warm and cozy with a cup of coffee indoors as the snow falls outside came to mind. Or even visions of reading a favorite book while enjoying Lindt chocolate!
That is, until I took the time to really think about this verse:

"Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created." Revelation 4:11

I looked up the Webster's definition for the word pleasure:
pleasure- noun; a source of delight or joy

Wow! God created all things for His pleasure. For His delight. For His joy.
I suddenly felt the need to come up with a different word to describe my love for Lindt chocolate.
Maybe I just am partial to chocolate instead.
The word "pleasure" appears 60 times in the Bible, and most of the time, it is not used in a positive sentence. But this reference in Revelation tells us His creation was for His pleasure. And this includes you. This includes me. He didn't have to create us at all. But He did. And it was for His pleasure.
How pleasurable is that!

Monday, January 25, 2016

The Desires of Thine Heart

"Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart." 
~Psalm 37:4

I headed to the pharmacy section of Walmart, discouraged with myself for failing to pack my contact lens solution before leaving home that day six hours ago. My husband, children, and I had arrived in the town we'd be spending two nights in and had to make this stop to accommodate my forgetfulness. I knew my desired contact lens solution brand and convenient travel size might not be sold at this store, so I said a quick prayer I might find what I needed quickly. My disappointment grew when I saw the prices were well over what I normally paid. I spotted the brand I regularly used: $7.48. Oh, no! I only pay in the $4 range. I sighed and scanned over the other products but saw nothing that satisfied my search. Resolving I would just have to spend the extra money, I picked up my preferred brand. At that moment, I saw a $3.00 off coupon attached to the top of the box. I blinked a few times and glanced at the other boxes on the shelf. None of the other boxes had this coupon! The Lord gave me my preferred brand at my preferred price. "Thank you, Lord! You sure take care of me."

I met one older missionary wife who spoke at a ladies lunch. She relayed to the group of gathered ladies a story from the early part of her families' ministry. She was traveling with her husband to a church with just enough money in their wallet to get them to their next destination. As they were driving, she had a sudden craving for a mocha and let her husband know her thoughts to have this delicious hot drink. "Well, you'd better ask the Lord to provide it, Dear," he responded and continued driving. So, she said a quick prayer, opened her eyes, and about that moment, suddenly yelled, "Stop the car!", to her bewildered husband. He slammed on the brakes and before he could figure out what she was up to, she hopped out, crossed in front of the car to the middle of the road, stooped down, and picked something up, smiling excitedly. She returned to spot in the car grinning widely and showed her husband a container of mocha drink mix- the kind you add a couple spoonfuls to hot water, stir, and enjoy. "Look at what the Lord gave me!", she exclaimed and removed the lid. They both could see the protective seal was missing from the can. "You're not going to drink any of that, are you?", her husband asked with a look of concern. She held the can still grinning, turned to look at him and said in her southern accent,  "It's okay, Honey, it's from the Lord!"

At the end of this tale, my face twisted with slight disgust, but I loved her story and her view on the Lord taking care of her that little way. 

My son, Micah, started deputation with one tie. He prayed for God to provide more. Through the giving of God's people, Micah now has somewhere around twenty. I have to try to remember to monitor his packing, or else in his excitement of having a big tie collection, he'll pack two pairs of pants or two shirts and fifteen ties!

So what is it about these "little things" that make us giggle with child-like glee and breathe a "Thank you, Lord!" In grateful praise?

It's no surprise to us that the Lord knows about our desires. He's God. God knows everything. What's so thrilling to us is that no matter how little these desires are, He cares about them because He cares about us. 

...and I think He enjoys seeing our smiles of excitement when we find a coupon on a box of contact solution or a can of mocha on the road ;)

Saturday, January 2, 2016

An Expected End

My family and I were on our way home from church service the Wednesday night just before the New Year. As I was driving, I was very aware of the amount of deer along the sides of the road and expecting at any moment, one would jump out at me, so I stayed very alert. The CD player was playing a song about prayer from a gospel group we had met on deputation:
I can pray out loud or silently.
I can pray standing tall, or on my knees.
It really makes no difference, just that prayer is the key;
Because prayer changes things and it changes me. *

And on this particular night, we were especially glad for the prayers of God's people.

I was traveling along a state route and coming upon the intersection of a major highway. As I approached the intersection trying to continue north on my route, a car suddenly pulled in front of me to enter the ramp for the highway. I slammed on my brakes and swerved to avoid the other vehicle, but despite my best efforts, clipped the rear passenger side of it. 

The next hour was comprised of a 911 phone call, analyzing our health and then vehicles, and waiting for the police and then tow trucks. But during this whole process, God used us to be a light for Him. What could be seen as a horrible experience, God gave us comfort and the ability to comfort the teenaged girl from the other vehicle. We had Gospel tracts in the crumpled van and put them in the hands of those that would receive them. One particular bystander stuck around to see if we needed a ride home and I had a great opportunity to share the Gospel with her. She had come from a Catholic upbringing and was kicked out of the church because of a divorce. She then tried The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and was currently searching for the next thing when she met me. She could hardly believe that salvation was by faith alone and not of works! She showed me her goose bumps as she believed it was really that simple to trust Christ alone for salvation! When she did get the girls and I home and Jason and Micah went home with the tow truck driver, I gave her a Bible and my contact information. She was from the same town we had gone to church that night and I told her about it, praying she will get involved there or another of like faith. 

Jeremiah 29:11 says "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end." God knew there was a woman that needed to hear the Gospel who was searching and ready to hear the truth, and He arranged that appointment to give an expected end.

Thank you for all who pray for our safety while we travel. Prayer sure does work. 

* Prayer Changes Things by Living Proof:

Chatting With People to Bring Them To Jesus

    Today I graduated from the Groundwire Training Academy, a ministry where people can chat with someone who will care about them and liste...