Our family just finished a great conference in Morton, PA. The theme was "God's Threefold Cord For World Missions: Pray, Give, and Go." Missionaries to Israel, Madagascar, the Dominican Republic were also there to share their burden for each field. Pastor John Hamilton of New Life Baptist Church in Columbia, SC gave great challenges each night on Joyful giving, Motivated giving, Reliable giving, and Expectant giving. He wrapped up the conclusion of the conference on Sunday night with "Looking to Jesus" from Hebrews 12:2.
Pastor Cartwright informed all the missionaries that he prays for them over a bowl of cereal. He attaches prayer cards to the cereal boxes to keep them in front of them to pray for them at breakfast. Jason presented Pastor with a cereal container complete with the conference missionaries prayer cards.
Each night the kids had their own conference in their classrooms. Micah taught the first through sixth graders that they can serve God no matter how old or how young they are, giving the examples of Moses (Exodus 7:7) and Jehoash (2 Kings 11:21).
Our family enjoyed some great fellowship with the Cartwrights!
We had a great time getting to tour Philadelphia and see the Liberty Bell!
Friday evening, the children dressed up in costumes representing the children of the world and sang "Jesus Loves The Little Children" for the congregation.
The final night ended with a candlelight celebration reminding all to be a light in the darkness. We are all thankful to Calvary Independent Baptist Church for allowing us to be a part of the conference and for committing to pray for each of us!